- A SLC Agrícola
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- Digital Agriculture
- Good Practices in Production
- Research at SLC Agrícola
- Standardized Processes
- Category: Agricultura
- Category: Capacitação
- Category: Comunicação
- Category: Doações
- Category: ESG
- Category: Inovação
- Category: Não categorizado
- Category: Premiação
- Category: Qualidade
- Category: Qualidade de Vida
- Category: Responsabilidade Social
- Category: Segurança do Trabalho
- Category: Semente
- Category: Sementes
- Category: Sustentabilidade
- Category: Valorização
- Preciosa Farm
- Paineira Farm
- Paysandu Farm
- Próspera Farm
- Pirapora Farm
- Piracema Farm
- Pampeira Farm
- Palmeira Farm
- Pantanal Farm
- Planorte Farm
- Planeste Farm
- Planalto Farm
- Piratini Farm
- Pioneira Farm
- Parceiro Farm
- Perdizes Farm
- Panorama Farm
- Parnaíba Farm
- Pamplona Farm
- Pamplona Farm
- Palmares Farm
- Paladino Farm
- Paiaguás Farm
- Parnaguá Farm
- SLC Agrícola won the 2024 Quality Award from APIMEC Brasil
- SLC 1,000 machine symbolically participates in the soybean harvest at Pamplona Farm
- 2024 Quality Meeting
- We are ranked in the Elite InfoMoney 2024 list
- We are among the top agribusiness companies in the Forbes Agro100 ranking
- We have been awarded the Best of Agribusiness Award by Globo Rural!
- Innovation Day reinforces advances in the Innovation area
- We are among the 10 Best Companies to Work in RS.
- Pamplona Farm (GO) sets new record for cotton lint yield in the 23/24 crop year
- We won the Top Ser Humano Award!
- SLC Agrícola receives Anefac Transparency Trophy 2024
- We joined the Circular Connection Movement!
- Eduardo Logemann among the most influential personalities in Latin America
- SLC Agrícola leaders participate in the 14th Brazilian Cotton Congress
- We received the Gold Seal from the GHG Protocol
- SLC Agrícola's Machine #1,000: the past restored and alive in the present
- We are featured in Export RS Award
- We have expanded our production areas
- We are featured in the ranking of Institutional Investor magazine
- We are a certified mental health company
- Farm Day 2024 brings together the Board of Directors, shareholders, and analysts at Pamplona Farm
- Another achievement of the GPTW Agro Award!
- We are featured in the Best in ESG Awards
- World Environment Day: initiatives reaffirm SLC Agrícola’s commitment to environmental preservation
- 2023 Integrated Report highlights innovation, sustainability and positive social impact
- Rise in ISE B3 ranking underscores our commitment to sustainability
- Company’s net income in first quarter reaches R$228.9 million
- Lecture marks the start of 2024 Integrity Week
- SLC Agrícola has an outstanding participation in South Summit Brazil 2024
- Pamplona Farm (GO) receives delegation from the Brazilian Cotton School course
- SLC Agrícola has the largest area certified by Regenagri in the Americas
- SLC Agrícola joins CDP’s climate change leadership group
- We are the world’s largest individual certified producer of soybean and corn!
- SLC Agrícola holds 2nd Innovation Day
- SLC Agrícola holds Quality Meeting 2023 in Brasília
- Paiaguás Farm authorized to export animals to European Union
- SLC Agrícola among Best Companies to Work in GPTW Brazil ranking
- SLC Agrícola receives Transparency Trophy certification
- SLC Agrícola among the 10 Best Companies to Work in RS, according to GPTW
- SLC Agrícola is the best in agribusiness according to EXAME’s Best and Biggest awards
- SLC Agrícola receives award from the magazine A Granja Total Agro
- SLC Agrícola receives RS Export Award
- SLC Agrícola is one of the winners of the 2023 Atlas Governance Awards
- SLC Agrícola holds Farm Day event at Fazenda Pamplona (GO)
- SLC Agrícola is once again in the GPTW Agro ranking
- SLC Agrícola receives Best ESG Award from Exame magazine for the second time
- New edition of the Integrated Report released
- Horizonte SLC is present at South Summit Brazil 2023
- Partnership between SLC Sementes and Kothe Agro inaugurates the most modern soybean seed processing and storage industry in Latin America
- Demoday: event marks completion of the Startup Boosting Program
- SLC Agrícola enters the main sustainability index of the Stock Exchange
- SLC Agrícola is responsible for more than 87% of RTRS certified corn in the world
- SLC Agrícola receives Best in Agribusiness Award
- SLC Agrícola wins the Top Ser Humano Award with a case on female leadership
- MORE AGRO program among the top three SAP projects in the country
- SLC Agrícola receives gold certificate on greenhouse gas emission
- Third Agroeconomic Report for the Midwest predicts a larger and more expensive soy harvest
- SLC Agrícola bets on the Crop-Livestock Integration (ILP) model to increase productivity and diversify production
- SLC Agrícola recipient of Anefac Transparency Award 2022
- SLC is featured in Instituto Amanhã´s book 100 Brands of Rio Grande
- Biological pest control subject of debate at cotton producer WG
- SLC Agrícola one of five Top Open Corps in Agribusiness for 2022
- Conab predicts growth of 15% during 2022/23 grain harvest in relation to previous harvest
- SLC Agrícola ranked among the 150 Best Companies to Work For in Brazil
- SLC Agrícola wins the Época Negócios 360º Award, in the Agribusiness category, for the eighth consecutive year
- SLC Agrícola is the recipient of the “Best of Money” award
- SLC Agrícola is one of the Best Companies to Work for in RS, according to GPTW ranking
- President of the SLC Group is ranked among the 500 most influential people in Latin America
- SLC Agrícola is the winner of the Agribusiness category in Exame magazine´s 2022 Best and Biggest award
- Drones are strong allies in the future of global agriculture
- 5G Experience at SLC Agrícola’s Farm is featured in Folha de São Paulo
- SLC Agrícola receives the Amazing Places to Work award for the third time
- Soy and cotton plantations are the ones that use the most precision agriculture in Brazil
- SLC receives Destaque A Granja award in Corn Production
- China releases protocols to import corn and soy meal from Brazil
- Agopa´s HVI Laboratory receives MAPA certificate
- SLC Agrícola and SLC Sementes participate in the 13th Brazilian Cotton Congress
- The importance of certifications for SLC Agrícola
- Production of the 1st 2022/23 corn harvest should be 15% higher than 2021/22
- SLC Agrícola receives delegation from Indonesia to learn about its cotton manufacturing process
- Corn shipment abroad at the Paranaguá Port in the first half of 2022 is 221% larger than in the same period in 2021
- Soy producers in Bahia should reduce the percentage of fertilizers used due to high price
- 19th Cotton Day reveals the trends and technologies for cotton growers in Goiás
- Corn harvest should yield BRL 16.6 billion
- Record soy exports in Mato Grosso
- Fazenda Pamplona receives ambassadors from Asia and Europe to demonstrate the quality of Brazilian cotton
- Piauí celebrates a 20% increase in grain production
- ESG practices in agribusiness integrate environmental entities and involve small farmers in the protection of biomes
- Cotton harvest in Bahia reaches 20% of the planted area and total estimate of 522.5 thousand tons of cotton plume
- SLC receives its first Best ESG Award from Exame magazine
- Strength of soybean fundamentals ensures market value
- Brazilian corn can be an alternative in the world market
- Increase in the cotton area is reflected in the harvest
- Mato Grosso leads accelerated off-season corn harvest
- Soy commercialization remains promising
- Cotton by-products maintain upward trend in MT
- Venture Builder SLC drives agro startups
- SLC Agrícola is among the Best Companies to Work for in Agribusiness
- Strong demand in the U.S. and China indicates appreciation of soy
- Second corn harvest reaches 2.37% of the planted area in Mato Grosso
- Cotton harvest begins in Western Bahia
- Soy commercialization in Mato Grosso reaches 73% of production
- Cold front forecast raises corn price
- SLC Sementes expands cotton seed portfolio to meet rising market
- Price of cotton remains high and stimulates future sale in Mato Grosso
- SLC records a record EBITDA of BRL 1.2 million in 1Q22
- National cotton export reaches 1.38 million tons
- SLC Agrícola and IPAM sign financial compensation contract to conserve 1,300 hectares in Mato Grosso
- 2021 Integrated Report highlights investments and shares of SLC Agrícola to reduce emissions and protect biodiversity
- SLC Sementes is HO Genética´s newest license holder
- Corn production surpasses previous cycle
- Soy harvest in Bahia could reach a consecutive record in 22
- Cotton harvest will be bigger in MT
- Early corn harvest in Mato Grosso
- Western Bahia reaches 70% of soy harvested despite unfavorable climate
- National territory shows an increase in the planted area of cotton
- In Mato Grosso, corn planting is almost complete
- Abrapa’s new estimate predicts an increase in cotton production
- Soy harvest progresses to 67.8% in the national territory
- Increase in global cotton consumption concerns internal market
- Horizonte SLC: a brand is born to promote innovation and technology in agribusiness
- In Bahia, producers celebrate the good performance of irrigated soy
- Cotton harvest continues in excellent conditions in Western Bahia
- Balance of trade has surplus with soy boost
- Corn prices rise again in the international market
- Mato Grosso ends cotton sowing cycle
- Imea detects progress in corn sowing
- According to a survey by Abapa, Bahia increased its cotton planting area in the 2021/22 harvest
- Survey carried out by Conab shows soy and corn as leaders in grain production in Brazil
- Cotton sowing in Mato Grosso reaches 70% of the area within the planting window
- Cotton sowing shows significant progress in Mato Grosso
- Planting of the 2021/22 cotton harvest reaches 74% of the estimated area in the country
- Number of companies in the ISE B3 portfolio increases to 46
- Seed Production Manager at SLC Agrícola is a guest on the Planeta Campo program, on Canal Rural
- Brazilian corn exports are expected to total 20.7 million tons in 2021
- Brazil must export more than 86 million tons of soy in 2021
- Cotton planting reaches 21.9% for the area in Brazil for 2021/2
- Brazilian cotton production expected to increase 16.5% in 2021/22 harvest
- SLC Agrícola chosen as being among the Best Places to Work in RS
- Brazil expected to harvest 138.8 million tons of soybean in 2022, IBGE
- SLC Agrícola director participates in Globo Rural magazine’s sustainability live stream
- The 2nd cotton harvest may have over 82% sown in the ideal window in Mato Grosso
- The 2021/22 soy harvest could reach 144.3 million tons
- SLC Sementes expands partnerships, portfolio and biotechnology for soy
- Favorable weather and increased planted area may cause growth in corn production in the 2021/22 harvest
- SLC Agrícola wins the Best in Agribusiness award
- Planting of the 2021/22 cotton harvest reaches 0.20% of the estimated area
- SLC Agrícola participates in the 2021 Agribusiness Summit
- SLC Agrícola invests in Crop-Livestock Integration to increase productivity and reduce carbon footprint
- SLC Agrícola achieves record results in the 3rd quarter
- SLC Agrícola’s Education Project is recognized with the ESARH Award
- Cotton production in the 2020/21 harvest in Mata Grosso reaches 277.6 @/ha
- Embrapa Cerrados presents results of study on reducing weed infestations in soybean crops
- SLC Agrícola part of program for “ESG in Agribusiness”
- SLC Agrícola celebrates 10 years of RTRS certification for responsible and sustainable soy production
- Brazilian cotton: going beyond the borders of the world
- Breast cancer is the subject of a talk given at the Quality of Life Program
- SLC Agrícola wins the Top Ser Humano Award
- Over 90% of the 2020/21 soy harvest has been sold
- Cotton production in Brazil may grow by 15.5% in the 2021/2022 harvest
- CEO of SLC Agrícola participates in debate about the carbon market
- SLC Agrícola creates a pilot project for a Smart Yard at Fazenda Paiaguás (MT)
- For the first time, soy could reach 40 million hectares planted
- SLC Agrícola is recognized for the 4th consecutive year by the “As Melhores da Dinheiro” award
- SLC Agrícola is champion in the Agribusiness category of the Época Negócios 360º yearbook for the second consecutive year
- SLC Agrícola stands out for its Human Resources
- Soy breaks a new record and reaches 133.8 million tons
- About 30% of cotton from the 2020/21 harvest has already been processed
- SLC Agrícola launches campaign to encourage donations to Banco de Alimentos do Rio Grande do Sul [Food bank in Rio Grande do Sul]
- Partnership aims to increase the share of cotton in world trade
- SLC Agrícola wins “A Granja of the Year” award
- Conab estimates new record crop thanks to better climate
- SLC Agrícola wins Incredible Places to Work Awards for second straight year
- CEO of SLC discusses 2021/22 crop year in Resenha Safras & Mercado program
- SLC Agrícola innovation investments lead to its inclusion in Ranking 100 Open Startups 2021
- Soybean, corn and cotton prices in Brazil rise 70% in 1H21
- Brazil exports 2.4 million tons of cotton
- SLC Agrícola sets new soybean yield record for fourth straight year
- SLC Agrícola reports net income for second quarter of R$447.2 million
- SLC Agrícola officers visit farms in Midwest
- CEO of SLC Agrícola participates in event on environmental preservation in the Cerrado region, organized by Valor Econômico and Brazilian Coalition
- SLC Agrícola wins ESG and Investor Relations categories and its CEO and CFO are elected the best at 2021 Latin America Executive Team awards
- Analysts say imports needed to meet corn demand in 2022
- SLC Institute makes donations to over 30 municipalities in seven Brazilian states
- CEO of SLC Agrícola participates in 3rd Regional Cotton Meeting sponsored by Fundação BA
- SLC Sementes innovates by launching cotton seed line
- SLC Agrícola participates in World Agri-Tech South America Summit and highlights investments in area
- SLC Agrícola CEO welcomes employees from Terra Santa
- Success stories in Inclusive Education become web series
- Consulting firm raises forecast for global harvest 2021/22 to 2.292 billion tons
- Brazil’s agribusiness exports set new record in May with growth of 33.7% on prior year
- SLC Agrícola partners with Rabobank Brasil for ESG operation
- SLC Agrícola’s lead role on environmental front highlighted in IstoÉ Dinheiro’s special report on ESG
- SLC Agrícola executives participate in key congress on Crop-Livestock-Forestry Integration
- CADE approves lease of 39,000 hectares of Agrícola Xingu farm by SLC Agrícola
- SLC Ventures makes first ever investment in agricultural technology
- People Management area of SLC Agrícola featured in agricultural and human resources podcasts
- SLC Agrícola reports 140.9% growth in net income in the first quarter of 2021
- SLC Agrícola’s innovation area participates in event about technology in the field
- Soybean harvest reaches 91% in the country, with some states close to 100%
- SLC Agrícola is, once again, among the best companies to work in the agricultural segment, according to consultancy GPTW
- SLC Agrícola opens space at Instituto Caldeira, an innovation hub in Porto Alegre (South, Brazil)
- Webinar on expansion project and SLC Agrícola’s outlook for 2021
- SLC Agrícola presents its Integrated Report 2020
- Pantanal Headwaters Pact completes two years
- SLC Sementes holds training for employees
- SLC Agrícola wins the 2020 Export Award
- SLC Agrícola is an Amazing Place to Work
- SLC Agrícola wins the Best in Agribusiness Award
- SLC Institute signs partnership with Global Communities
- Project takes lab online to Chapadão do Céu, MS
- SLC Agrícola is one of the best companies to work for
- SLC Agrícola uses Weedseeker tool
- SLC Agrícola wins Agribusiness Award
- SLC Agrícola wins the Transparency Trophy once again
- SLC Group launches new website
- A new video tells the story of the SLC Group
- SLC Group commemorates 75th anniversary
- SLC Agrícola wins all categories in Latin America Executive Team Agribusiness ranking
- ABAPA enables tests for Covid-19 in Western Bahia
- Ideias&Resultados recognizes employees
- SLC Agrícola presents new edition of its Integrated Report
- SLC Group formalizes creation of SLC Institute
- SLC Agrícola launches second edition of AgroExponencial
- SLC Agrícola helds Human Resources meeting
- SLC Agrícola supports organization that gives youth an opportunity to practice tennis
- SLC Sementes conducts restructuring and signs new commercial partnerships
- Field Days of SLC Sementes to present new varieties and production techniques
- SLC Agrícola benefits 11 entities through tax incentives
- Inclusive Education Program
- SLC Agrícola among the Best Companies to Work For
- SLC Agrícola performs connections with startups
- SLC Agricola farm hosts delegates of the global event, the Youth Ag Summit 2019
- SLC Agrícola is once again a Great Place to Work
- The Best Companies in People Management
- SLC Agrícola vence a premiação “As Melhores da Dinheiro 2019”
- SLC Agrícola invests in sustainability actions in line with the global agenda
- Once again SLC Agrícola received the “Destaques A Granja” Award
- Buyers Mission at Pamplona Farm
- Cotton is packed in pink to warn about breast cancer
- SLC Agrícola’s App makes it easy to do cotton commercial transaction
- SLC Agrícola invests in seed production
- SLC Agrícola is highlighted in a Research
- The use of pesticides in Brazil is lower than in several countries in Europe
- SLC Agrícola promotes environmental education
- SLC Agrícola attends International Conference
- SLC Agrícola holds SAP 2019
- Helping others to have a positive impact on future generations
- SLC Agrícola sponsors Project MudaMundo
- SLC Agrícola launches its Integrated Report
- SLC Agrícola launches Exponential Agro Program
- Training for the use of drones
- SLC Sementes Field Day
- The environmental costs and benefits of highyield farming
- II Digital Agriculture Meeting
- SLC Agrícola provides benefits for entities through tax incentives
- SLC Agrícola develop a Community Leadership Program
- SLC Agrícola participates in the COP 24
- Grupo SLC and SLC Agrícola are among the 500 largest in the South
- SLC Agrícola receives the “Best in People Management” award
- SLC Agrícola participates in a Sustainability event
- SLC Agrícola wins TOP Ser Humano 2018
- SLC Agrícola voted best Agribusiness company
- SLC Agrícola received the “Destaques A Granja” Award
- SLC Agrícola Farms win the challenge
- SLC Agrícola receives the Transparency Trophy for the second consecutive year
- Planalto Farm (MS) receives a visit from Uniguaçu students
- SLC Agrícola helds Farm Day 2018
- Aurélio Pavinato attends event in Germany
- SLC Agrícola releases its second Sustainability Report
- SLC Agrícola takes education to the State of Mato Grosso
- Knowledge Management Program 2018 addresses Industry 4.0 and Leadership 4.0
- SLC Agrícola attends 6th Environmental Management Seminar
- Planorte Farm (MT) inaugurates a Digital Inclusion Space
- SLC Agrícola carries out Field Days in its Units
- Maranhão Farms receive their SGI certification
- SLC Agrícola participates in a project to promote sustainability in the European soybean industry
- Farms in Northeast Brazil certified according to European soybean production standards
- Parnaguá Farm (PI) receives a trophy for achieving the Goal of Zero Accidents
- SLC Agrícola holds the 1st Soybean Day on the Farm
- SLC Agrícola received the ISO 9001: 2015 certification
- SLC Agrícola participates in the Community Leadership Program Graduation Ceremony
- SLC Agrícola commemorates 10 years on the New Market listing
- SLC Agrícola is awarded by Great Place to Work
- The Best of Agribusiness Award
- Junior Achievement Community Leadership
- SLC Agrícola Farm celebrates 900 accident-free days
- SLC Agrícola in the A Granja do Ano (Farm of the Year) Award 2017
- SLC Agrícola took part in Federasul’s event
- SLC Agrícola receives the Transparency Trophy
- AGOPA holds Cotton Day in Pamplona Farm
- SLC Agrícola helds Farm Day
- SLC Agrícola receives recognition for its Social Responsibility initiatives
- SLC Agrícola’s Board of Directors visit Farms
- SLC Agrícola participates in an Annual Conference in France
- Perdizes Farm (MT) conducts entrepreneurship training
- ISO 9001 Training
- SLC Agrícola employees participate in a course on cotton
- SLC Agrícola Farms celebrate their Zero Accidents Goal
- Digital Agriculture at SLC Agrícola
- Semear Program is presented to employees
- SLC Agrícola Board of Directors visit Farms
- SLC Agrícola Board Members visit Farms
- SLC Agrícola launches a video and booklet of the Semear Program
- SLC Agrícola is awarded by Great Place to Work
- Embrapa researchers encourage precision agriculture in Mato Grosso State
- Parnaguá Farm was awarded with the accident-free trophy
- SLC Agrícola is among the best companies to work for
- SLC Agrícola Farms celebrate accident free days
- SLC Agrícola won Top Ser Humano Award
- Perdizes Farm (MT) celebrates 1 year accident-free
- SLC Agrícola’s Investor Relations Department is awarded
- Training in Research Center-West Region
- SLC Agrícola is champion in the Agribusiness sector of the Época Annual Awards Ceremony
- SLC Agrícola makes its debut in Corporate Governance ranking
- Annual SLC Agrícola Production Convention