Cotton by-products maintain upward trend in MT
Prices of cotton by-products in Mato Grosso rose for the second consecutive week in May, according to the weekly bulletin posted by Instituto Mato-Grossense de Economia Agropecuária (IMEA). The prices of the cottonseed and cottonseed oilcake showed an increase of 0.58% and 0.11%, quoted, respectively, at BRL 1,631.05/t and BRL 1,613.58/t.
Among the factors of the appreciation of by-products are the lower supply in the market, due to the off-season and the demand for by-products as animal feed for herds.
According to IMEA´s estimate, less than 1% of the total production of the available seed is in the state of MT, which maintains the expectation that prices will remain in an upward trend in the coming weeks.
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