Good Production Practices
Supply management
The evolution of knowledge and embedded technology in machinery and supplies used in crops allows the increasingly assertive and rational use strategies to be prepared. Studies with seeds, fertilizer, corrective and defensive management support their own strategies to correct crop needs and promote adequate conditions for the development of crops and obtain high yields.
Crop rotation
The growing concern about the future of agriculture and food production increasingly requires farmers’ awareness of the rational use of productive resources. Good practices in the use of soil, water, inputs and crop management have a fundamental role in ensuring the sustainability of the productive system for future generations.
Crop rotation occurs with all of SLC Agrícola´s crops. The predominant rotation in our Midwestern Farms is 2nd crop soy + cotton in the first year and 2nd crop soy + corn in the second year.
In the Northeast region, the Farms located in Maranhão allow the “double” 2nd harvest of soy + corn in the first year and cotton in the second year. The Farms located in Bahia and Piauí use the rotation between soy and cotton, or the succession between soy and ground cover crops.
Among the benefits of crop rotation, we can highlight:
– Sustainability of the agricultural system;
– Lower incidence of pests and diseases;
– Greater ease in weed control;
– Use of residual fertilization for the crop in succession;
– Dilution of fixed costs.
Soil management
The no-till system is widely used in the cultivation of our crops. The objective is to ensure the sustainability of the production process, by reducing soil, water and nutrient losses. Without soil inversion, we reduce the cost of production with fuels and machine spare parts.
All crops have terraces (agricultural technique to control water erosion) and sowing areas with greater slope is carried out at level (the sowing lines follow the lines of the terraces).
The use of ground cover plants is fundamental within SLC Agrícola´s production system, in addition to protecting the soil against erosion, it incorporates organic matter, acts in green fertilization and recycles nutrients.
Crotalaria used as ground cover
Cotton grown on corn straw