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Pamplona Farm

Find out more about this Farm

Pamplona Farm has 2 more offices in the city of Unaí (Lat. 16°5′ 43.440″ S and Long. 46° 39′ 20.469″ W), in Minas Gerais (MG).

Our location

Find out how to get to Pamplona Farm

Heading from Unaí (MG) towards Guarapuava (MG), drive along the LMG 628 highway for 49 km. Afterwards, turn left and continue for another 9 km to the farm’s headquarters.

Rural Area, s/n. Countryside. Unai (MG). Zip Code 38623-899

Pamplona Farm Aerial View

A certified Farm

ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 14001 Certification

NBR 16001 Certification

ISO 9001 Certification

History, projects and research


Pamplona Farm was acquired in 1980 and was the Company´s first Farm in the Brazilian Cerrado [savannah]. The Farm started by planting soy, corn and rice. During this period, approximately 500 ha of land was planted. Its structure consisted of an office, a warehouse, accommodation and two wooden sheds.

Social projects

Pamplona Farm carries out social actions both in Fazenda and in the community of Marajó, in the underprivileged neighborhood of Cristalina (GO). At Escola Souza Lima, 20 volunteers carry out a project to encourage reading and writing, which serves approximately 600 children. Social actions are also carried out at Escola Municipal Argeu Paim Hoffaman, which is 9 km from the Farm and is where children of the Farm´s collaborators study. In this school, 300 children from Elementary and High School are attended. In addition, GAS carries out actions in nursing homes, orphanages and at Casa de Acolhida de Luziânia [retirement home] (GO).