Helping others to have a positive impact on future generations
During last year, SLC Agrícola carried out approximately BRL 1.5 million in tax incentives donations. For 2019, the distribution of the same amount is foreseen.
These resources were destined to social projects considering the limits of Lei Rouanet (Rouanet Law) (4%), Lei de Incentivo ao Esporte (Sports Incentive Law) (1%), Funcriança (Municipal Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents) (1%), Fundo do Idoso (Fund for the Elderly) (1%) on the Income Tax Due.
In the project choices, the criteria for strategic alignment with the ODS (Goals for Sustainable Development), the framework within the PEAAs (Business Principles for Food and Agriculture), the location of the beneficiary communities and the structure of performance indicators were taken into account.
Project supported by the Sports Incentive Law
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Últimas notícias
- 2024 Quality Meeting
- We are ranked in the Elite InfoMoney 2024 list
- We are among the top agribusiness companies in the Forbes Agro100 ranking
- We have been awarded the Best of Agribusiness Award by Globo Rural!
- Innovation Day reinforces advances in the Innovation area
- We are among the 10 Best Companies to Work in RS.