Paiaguás Farm
Find out more about this Farm
Paiaguás Farm (Lat. 14°04’47,915”S and Long. 57°27’20.084”W) is located in Diamantino, Mato Grosso (MT).
Our location
Find out how to get to Paiaguás Farm
Leaving Diamantino airport (MT) taking the paved Rodovia BR-364 continue for approximately 140 km, passed Deciolândia (MT) and convert into the cloverleaf interchange after the V-Agro Warehouse on the right. Travel for 21 km, turn right and follow an unpaved road to the headquarters for another 6 km.
Rodovia BR 364, s/n, Km 754 km 21 on the right. Deciolândia. Diamantino (MT). Zip Code 78.400-000
Aerial View of Paiaguás Farm
History, projects and research
Paiaguás Farm was acquired in August 2000 and at that time it planted 5,400 ha of cotton and 3,600 ha of soy. It had a village structure for residents, with 30 houses, two accommodations, workshop shed and gas station. Today, it has two headquarters with accommodation, residences, cafeterias, clubs, soccer fields, living areas, warehouses, cotton gins, workshop and machine sheds, offices with scales, warehouses, pesticide sheds, fuel stations, lubricant sheds and a paved runway.
Social projects
Paiaguás Farm developed social actions in the daycare center of the Progresso District, involving 180 children, through the distribution of pedagogical materials, educational toys and celebrations of dates such as Easter and Children’s Day. Currently, 16 Farm volunteers maintain the structure of a school in the Deciolância community, benefiting 140 students. At the headquarters of the Farm, actions are promoted with residents of the village of residents, through health and well-being lectures.
The research area of Paiaguás Farm represents 145 ha destined to tests with crops such as cotton, soy, corn, beans, among others. Phytotechnical tests have been developed that assess adaptability and stability of genotypes, studies of refinement of the nitrogen fertilization model, management of ground cover crops and several tests in the area of plant health, such as those involving tests with biological products.