Cotton sowing in Mato Grosso reaches 70% of the area within the planting window
According to the weekly bulletin released by Instituto Mato-Grossense de Economia Agropecuária (Imea), over 70% of the areas used for cotton sowing in the state of Mato Grosso were within the ideal cultivation window. The progress of the soy cycle in the current season and the speed in cotton sowing are pointed out as factors that contributed to this result.
Rainfall forecast for the coming months – especially in April – is above average, which may contribute to the final evolution of the crops, due to better soil water storage replacement. Within this scenario, Imea recalculated the productivity forecast, which now totals 290.90@/ha of seed cotton, an increase of 0.99% in relation to the report for the same period last year. Final production for the 21/22 harvest was estimated at 4.81 million tons of seed cotton and 1.99 million tons of plume.
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Veja Também
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Últimas notícias
- SLC Agrícola won the 2024 Quality Award from APIMEC Brasil
- SLC 1,000 machine symbolically participates in the soybean harvest at Pamplona Farm
- 2024 Quality Meeting
- We are ranked in the Elite InfoMoney 2024 list
- We are among the top agribusiness companies in the Forbes Agro100 ranking
- We have been awarded the Best of Agribusiness Award by Globo Rural!