Fazenda Pamplona receives ambassadors from Asia and Europe to demonstrate the quality of Brazilian cotton
Last Thursday, Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Algodão [Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers] (Abrapa) visited SLC Agrícola´s Fazenda Pamplona, located in Cristalina (GO), to share the production system and the fiber chain in Brazil with ambassadors from South Korea, Vietnam and Turkey. They were able to closely observe the operational standards that SLC applies to its products, from tillage through to processing and storage. Goiás is the third largest cotton producer in Brazil, with 27,400 hectares of planted area.
The ambassadors were chosen by Abrapa, considering the markets that demand Brazil's fiber and the potential for future business. The Association has been working for some time to demonstrate that the quality of Brazilian cotton is just as good the biggest exporter in the world, the United States. "It is a pleasure to show what it is like to produce cotton in Brazil. We are efficient, productive and responsible. The activity helps to strengthen ties, I think we can present a very good overview of cotton farming", said the president of Abrapa, Julio Cézar Busato, at the association's headquarters in Brasilia.
Vietnam, for example, is the second largest importer of Brazilian cotton with just over 270 thousand tons (August/21 to July/22 harvest). According to the Vietnamese ambassador, its market is expanding and the trend is to increase business with Brazil. "We were impressed by what we saw, the sustainable production process and the quality of the fiber”, said Vietnam's ambassador, Pham Thi Kim Hoa.
The group of visitors also included the Turkish ambassador, Murat Yavuz Ates, South Korea's commercial attaché, Hyunjin Kim, the head of the Agricultural Policy Division of the Ministry of International Relations (MRE), Luiz Fellipe Flores Schimidt, and the director of Trade Promotion and Investments of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), Marcelo Moreira, as well as producers and directors from Abrapa.
At Fazenda Pamplona, they were also able to see the preserved forest areas, the processes and the planning at each stage from production through to storage.
The activities of the day ended at Abrapa´s headquarters, in Brasilia, where they saw Centro Brasileiro de Referência em Análise de Algodão [Brazilian Reference Center for Cotton Analysis] (CBRA). "It is a way to strengthen Brazilian cotton. We produce with quality, we are sustainable and we enable our product to be tracked from the beginning to the end of the process”, observed Busato.
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