SLC Agrícola director participates in Globo Rural magazine’s sustainability live stream
SLC Agrícola, one of the world’s largest producers of grains and fibers, has been ranked the top company in Globo Rural’s Best in Agribusiness in the Sustainability category. As part of the awards ceremony, Global Rural held a special live stream. Álvaro Dilli, SLC Agrícola’s Director for Human Resources, IT and Sustainability, participated in the event. The theme of the live stream was the important role that economic, social, and environmental pillars play in a successful farm operation.
Since the award took data and achievements from 2020 into consideration, it was important to highlight the efforts made by SLC Agrícola at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in order to ensure the health and safety of its collaborators and the continuity of its operations. Social distancing measures and a reduction in the maximum capacity for buses that transport collaborators were completely adopted throughout SLC Agrícola’s farms. This context made seeking out new technologies more important than ever in order to ensure that the company’s activities were not interrupted.
With regards to the environmental pillar, the Director highlighted the fact that SLC Agrícola’s pioneering efforts in obtaining the appropriate certification was motivated by its concern and responsibility for guaranteeing quality in its products, taking each stage in the production process into consideration. This provides the company with the advantage of a new market context in which sustainability has become a decisive aspect for investors and consumers. “The world has changed. Today’s generation has new demands and wants to know exactly what it is they are eating”, Dilli commented.
With regards to new technologies, the Director reiterated the importance of the company’s ESG Committee and its strategic positioning in speeding up its cultural development and investment in partnerships with startups. Transformation through technology is a priority for SLC Agrícola, which strives for sustainable economy in inputs through means of precision agriculture. With this technology, the company was able to reduce its use of pesticides by approximately 82%, as well as a provide R$ 4.35 in savings for each real invested in its business activities.
Dilli highlighted SLC Agrícola’s dedication in reaching its target of reducing carbon emissions by 25% between 2020 and 2030. The company has a wide range of projects underway that will help it to reach this target and is also investing in research aimed at improving accuracy in calculations for carbon emissions in regions in which climactic differences may influence readings.
The Director ended the discussion by highlighting the importance of investing not only in new technologies, but also in educational measures focusing on producers and collaborators. “Respecting the importance of education and properly preparing the labor force are important aspects of the learning process. Having the right technology will not make a difference if we do not also undergo a cultural transformation with regards to behavior in using these technologies”, affirmed Dilli, before adding that “SLC must not be an island of prosperity in the middle of the surrounding small communities. We have been working within these communities for 20 years, fostering quality education and seeking to the improve living conditions for local residents.”
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