SLC Agrícola benefits 11 entities through tax incentives
In 2019, SLC Agrícola allocated R$803,983.00 under tax incentive laws applicable to the income tax levied on its operations during the year.
The projects benefitted are engaged in actions in the cultural and health areas and to protect the rights of children, youth and the elderly. The tax incentives include Funcriança, Elderly Fund, Culture Incentive Law, Sports Incentive Law, National Program to Support Oncological Care (PRONON) and National Program for Healthcare for Persons with Disabilities (PRONAS/PCD).
The projects benefited by SLC Agrícola are described below:
- The Entrepreneur Project received R$331,983.00 to benefit children and teachers at public schools in the cities of Chapadão do Sul and Costa Rica (Mato Grosso), Luziânia, Cristalina and Chapadão do Céu (Goiás), Balsas (Maranhão), Monte Alegre (Piauí), Formosa do Rio Preto and Barreiras (Bahia).
The Agricultural Progress Memorial, which is being built in the city of Horizontina (Rio Grande do Sul), received R$90,000.00. The venue should be opened to visitors by end-2022.
- The ABC da Bola com as Meninas project, which received R$106,000.00, benefits girls from 10 to 18 years old in the southern region of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul).
- The Aldeia da Fraternidade project, which received R$46,000.00, offers cultural, sports, food and education assistance to 331 students. The organization is located in the Tristeza district of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul).
- The WimBelemDon project, which received R$20,000.00, benefits children in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) by offering tennis classes and social and educational activities.
- Associação Beneficente Santa Zita de Lucca, which received R$20,000.00, offers educational and inclusion activities for children in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul).
- Casa do Menino Jesus de Praga, which received R$20,000.00, offers free specialized care to children and youth with disabilities in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul).
- The Passos da Longevidade project of the Porto Alegre Food Bank, which received R$75,000.00, works to improve quality of life and health for the elderly.
- Sociedade Portoalegrense de Auxílio aos Necessitados (SPAAN), which received R$30,000.00, work to improve quality of life for the elderly in Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul).
- APAE Canguçu, which provides assistance to children and youth with disabilities in the city of Canguçu (Rio Grande do Sul), received R$60,000.00.
- The Pompéia Hospital, which provides oncological care to patients in Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul), received R$5,000.00.
Picture: child from Santa Zita de Lucca.
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