Perdizes Farm
Find out more about this Farm
Perdizes Farm (Lat. 11°38’26,718″ S and Long. 56°15’39,964″ W) is located in Porto dos Gaúchos, Mato Grosso (MT).
Our location
Find out how to get to Perdizes Farm
From downtown Sinop (MT) taking the paved rodovia BR-163 (towards South – North), go for approximately 20 km, turn left on Rodovia MT-220 and travel approximately 90 km until you reach the Farm, which is on the left side of the highway. The headquarters is 2.7 km away.
Estrada MT 220, s/n, Km 110. Zona Rural. Porto dos Gaúchos (MT). Zip Code 78.560-000
Perdizes Farm Aerial View
A certified Farm
Certificação ISO 14001
Certificação ISO 45001
Certificação NBR 16001
History, projects and research
Perdizes Farm was acquired in 2012. Before the acquisition, the Farm operated with grain and livestock. Since SLC Agrícola took over the Unit, several improvements have been made to the infrastructure and currently soy and off-season corn are planted. As of the 2014/15 harvest, the farm was operated by the Joint Venture with the Mitsui Group (SLC-Mit), although the land still belongs to SLC Agrícola.
Social projects
Currently, all social projects developed by Fazenda Perdizes in the region are concentrated in the Vila de Americana do Norte. The actions seek to assist the municipal and state schools and are linked to support in traditional village parties and transportation aids for events with school children.
The research area of Fazenda Perdizes is located in the municipality of Porto dos Gaúchos – MT and occupies 125 ha with tests for soy, corn and cotton. The studies carried out with cotton cultivation are of paramount importance, among them the definition of sowing times and adaptability/stability of genotypes. The responses of crops to the management of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers have also been tested.