The importance of certifications for SLC Agrícola
At the end of July, SLC Agrícola was once again live on the Rural Channel, represented by the company's HR, Sustainability and IT director, Álvaro Dilli, to talk about the importance of process and product certification practices and how they are allies to combine sustainability and value, simultaneously with what is produced in the field. In an interview with the Planeta Campo program, Dilli explained why SLC got a head start on certifications to the presenter, Ms. Kirchoff.
The director explained that SLC's journey in search of certifications began 15 years ago, when it realized that the tendency of people in modern society to know what they are consuming consolidated at the same time as certification processes in other branches of the economy and the sustainable future of agriculture. Currently, SLC works with an integrated management system, on a large platform, which operates with four international management standards: ISO 14.001 for the Environmental aspect, ISO 45.001 for Health and Safety, ISO 9001 for Quality and Strategy as well as NBR 16.001.
Dilli explained that these certifications, as well as others, such as the Better Cotton Initiative (which certifies the quality of the cotton) in addition to controlling the operating licenses of the farms, also represent practicality in management to serve the different and increasingly demanding market niches, especially when referring to sustainability, traceability and responsibility.
To watch the full interview, access the link.
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