Purchase of Agricultural Inputs
The definition of seeds for the formation of our crops involves choosing Biotechnologies (traits) and their tests to prove their efficiency in the regions where our Farms are located.
We negotiate with the biggest nurseries in the country, aiming at high quality, vigor and germination. For this, we have partners who show excellence in the production process, marketing and after-sales of seeds.
The purchases of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides are purchased directly from the world’s major industries. We strive for correct positioning of the applications of pesticides, always following the recommendations of our agronomists.
Our negotiations take place once a year, and during them, the technical and supply areas, along with the large market players, discuss the best portfolio to be used aiming at product quality, better efficiency in the field and the lowest cost per hectare.
As fertilizers are one of its main agricultural inputs, the company maintains a close relationship with the main market players. Meetings with suppliers and participation in fairs and events are some of the activities that connect us to the market. Therefore, we keep track of prices in the main supply markets. The fertilizer package is selected by a technical team of agronomists, who use their expertise to define the most appropriate nutritional package. Among the main products purchased are simple superphosphate, potassium chloride and urea.