Soy breaks a new record and reaches 133.8 million tons
The Brazilian soybean harvest reached 133.8 million tons in August, setting a new record, with a 0.3% increase compared to the previous month's estimate and 10.1% compared to the 2020 harvest with its harvest already concluded, according to data from the Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrícola [Systematic agricultural production survey] (LSPA), released on September 9 by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).
According to the survey, the crop developed satisfactorily in most states, despite the significant delay in planting. Amapá and Alagoas were the states that most increased their estimates in August, by 41.3% and 150.6%, respectively.
The states that make up the MATOPIBA axis continue to provide for the expansion of soy crops. This year, the planted area increased by 73.4 thousand hectares in Piauí, 46 thousand hectares in Maranhão, 23.5 thousand hectares in Tocantins and almost 80.0 thousand hectares in Bahia.
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