SLC Agrícola Farms celebrate their Zero Accidents Goal
SLC Agrícola Farms, aligned with the SQP Program (Safety, Quality and Productivity) are committed to achieving their goal of zero accidents.
In February, Pamplona Farm, located in the municipality of Cristalina (GO) celebrated 502 accident free days. To commemorate this date, a Security Dialogue (DDS) was held congratulating all employees for their achievement and compliance with SLC Agrícola's safety standards. The celebration ended with a lunch served to all.
In the same month, Planeste Farm, located in Balsas (MA) completed 400 accident free days on the cotton gyn. On the occasion, a DDS was held to reinforce the importance of zero accidents and each employee was congratulated for being part of this achievement. They were all served a snack and soda.
On the March, 7th Parceiro Farm, located in Formosa do Rio Preto (BA), gathered its employees to celebrate 200 accident free days. On the occasion, the importance of safety was reinforced and how individual actions determine a work environment that operates with quality and safety.
Also in March, Parnaguá Farm, located in Santa Filomena (PI) completed 720 accident free days. On the occasion, a DDS was held to reinforce the importance of zero accidents and each employee was congratulated for being part of this achievement. Then to celebrate this important date breakfast was served to the whole team.
Parceiro Farm (BA)
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