Horizon SLC

The future is planted now

Horizonte SLC emerges with the purpose of affirming the innovation movement of SLC Agrícola. The objective is to connect the company’s past – and the name refers to the company’s origins in the city of Horizontina (RS) – with a vision of the future, focusing on the evolution and development of new businesses for the future of agro. We are a voice for our collaborators and a space for the expansion of synergy with external strategic partners, bringing SLC Agrícola even closer to its Big Dream. Horizonte SLC has several fronts of action, which enable the viability of the various initiatives of this movement.Our fronts of action:


Our axes of action

Partnership program with startups to solve internal challenges in various corporate areas. Learn More.


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Intrapreneurship program with SLC Agrícola´s collaborators to increase operational efficiency and spread the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Innovation front that aims to create options that value and renew the business, composed of two aspects: Venture Capital and Venture Builder.

Risk investment for the acquisition and/or participation in startups, with strategic and financial objectives.

Acceleration of projects for new products, services and business models developed in partnership.

Development of tailored software to increase efficiency and reduce costs of SLC Agrícola´s operations.

Testing, implementation and support for Precision Agriculture and Digital Agriculture projects. It aims at continuous improvement in production processes.

Support in the operation of open innovation programs, a “bridge” to the organization, help in fostering the digital transformation culture.