According to a survey by Abapa, Bahia increased its cotton planting area in the 2021/22 harvest
The latest survey by Associação Baiana dos Produtores de Algodão [Bahia Association of Cotton Producers] (Abapa) showed an increase of about 15% in the area of cotton planted in the 2021/22 harvest. The total area currently reaches 306,375 hectares, with an estimated production of 584,300 tons of cotton plume and productivity of 1,907 kilograms per hectare. As for seed cotton, the expected production is 741,077 tons, with productivity calculated at 2,425.80 kilograms per hectare.
According to the president of Abapa, Luiz Carlos Bergamaschi, the current scenario shows signs of good returns for producers during the 2021/2022 harvest, if weather conditions remain favorable in the region. “Prices are better today than when the planting decision was made last year. The weather in recent days has favored development of the crop and we had one of the lowest boll weevil rates recorded in the off-season”, he said.
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