Pioneira Farm
Find out more about this Farm
Pioneira Farm (Lat. 12°6’5,301″ S and Long. 52°25’11,224″ W), located in Querência, Mato Grosso (MT) is part of the joint operation with the Roncador Group.
Our location
Find out how to get to Pioneira Farm
Leaving Querência (MT) taking Rodovia MT-109 (northwest direction), go for approximately 11 km, turn right on the same highway and go for about 21 km. Turn left still on MT-109 and continue for another 20 km until you reach MT-110. Take a right and go for another 8 km, and then to the left for another 8 km, arriving at the access road to the Farm. Proceed for another 5 miles to the headquarters.
Estrada MT 109, s/n. Towards PA Coutinho União. Km 64 to the right. Zona Rural. Querência (MT). Zip Code 78.643-000
Pioneira Farm Aerial View
A certified Farm
Certificação ISO 14001
Certificação ISO 45001
Certificação NBR 16001
History, projects and research
Pioneira Farm was founded on 03/25/2013 and is a Joint Venture with the Dois Vales group. In the 2013/14 harvest, 8,756.82 ha of soy were planted in the first harvest. In the 2014/15 harvest, more areas were opened. In the 2015/16 harvest, the planted area was 19,469.27 ha of soy and 7,568.88 ha of corn. Currently, with the new headquarters, the Farm has masonry accommodation with internal bathrooms, air conditioning, club and soccer field.
Projetos Sociais
The Social and Environmental Action Group (GAS) of Fazenda Pioneira began in 2015, with more than 20 participants. Among the projects are a traveling cinema for the city of Querência, the donation of toys to children and support for the Pastoral da Criança [social program for children´s development] in the municipality. The Farm planted a vegetable garden at Escola Estadual Coutinho União and renovated the playground at the municipal school in the same district. In 2023, the AgroEduca project is being implemented at Escola Estadual Coutinho União. The initiative seeks to present the labor market in agribusiness, in spheres such as sustainability and job opportunities, through practical workshops in schools and technical visits to farms and classes taught by coordinators to high school students.
Also in 2023, in partnership with Junior Achievement (JA), the Nosso Planeta, Nossa Casa [Our Plant, Our Home] Project takes place, which aims to raise awareness among young people on the importance of sustainable development and conscious consumption. Students learn about the importance of preserving the environment and their commitment to socio-environmental responsibility. In addition, several campaigns are carried out throughout the year, such as blood donations, etc.
The Fazenda Pioneira Research area occupies more than 160 hectares. In these areas, studies are being conducted on the behavior and response of crops such as cotton, soy and corn, as well as cover crops, nutrition, pest, disease and weed control, as well as the continuous assessment of varieties and biotechnologies available on the market. The main objective of these tests is to serve as a basis for decision-making on the best options and techniques to be used on the farm or in the region, aiming to increase the productive capacity of SLC Agrícola’s farms.