Pamplona Farm
Find out more about this Farm
Pamplona Farm (Lat. 16°13’42,162″ S and Long. 47°37’34,521″ W) is located in Cristalina, Goiás (GO).
Our location
Find out how to get to Pamplona Farm
From Brasília Airport (DF) taking Rodovia BR-251, after approximately 20 km, there is the junction with DF-130. After taking a right go another 30 km and take a left at the entrance of the Farm. The headquarters is 900 metres away.
Rodovia GO 436, s/n. Km 60. Zona Rural. Cristalina (GO). Zip Code 73.850-000
Pamplona Farm Aerial View
History, projects and research
Pamplona Farm was acquired in 1980 and was the Company´s first Farm in the Brazilian Cerrado [savannah]. The Farm started by planting soy, corn and rice. During this period, approximately 500 ha of land was planted.
Social projects
Pamplona Farm carries out social actions both in Fazenda and in the community of Marajó, in the underprivileged neighborhood of Cristalina (GO). At Escola Souza Lima, 20 volunteers carry out a project to encourage reading and writing, which serves approximately 600 children. Social actions are also carried out at Escola Municipal Argeu Paim Hoffaman, which is 9 km from the Farm and is where children of the Farm´s collaborators study. In this school, 300 children from Elementary and High School are attended. In addition, GAS carries out actions in nursing homes, orphanages and at Casa de Acolhida de Luziânia [retirement home] (GO).
Pamplona Farm is the unit that owns the oldest Research station, which started its activities in 1988. The research area of Fazenda Pamplona occupies approximately 178 ha, where studies are carried out with cotton, soy, corn and wheat crops, in dry and irrigated areas. In the soil fertility line, soil management and rotation tests are being conducted, as well as tests with the management of some macronutrients.