Field Days of SLC Sementes to present new varieties and production techniques
SLC Sementes, a brand of SLC Agrícola, will hold in January, February and March five Field Days at its units located in the states of Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Goiás and Bahia. The events target soybean producers, agricultural consultants, clients, resellers and future buyers. Each event is expected to host on average 100 participants.
According to the Seed Sales Coordinator of SLC Sementes, Fernando Fernandes, the aim of the Field Days is to introduce the brand SLC Sementes to the consumer public. “The idea is to present the new varieties and the latest innovations in seed production and to show that all the work is aligned with the company’s way of doing business, which is always based on transparency and integrity,” he said.
The event programs will feature lectures and technical visits to the research areas of the farms. Fernandes also said that the topics to be addressed by SLC Agrícola experts will include “new methods of interest to the public that the company is developing for use by the market.”
Agriculture 4.0 and Precision Farming also will be covered in the lectures. SLC Agrícola’s farms adopt operational controls for the machinery, which facilitates the management of information to better control their productivity, such as fuel consumption and operating efficiency. Fernandes also explained that many farmers have signaled that they are willing to invest in these methods to attain maximum performance of their equipment.
The events will be held from January 24 to March 10.
See the schedule below:
January 24 – Planeste Farm, in Balsas, Maranhão
January 30 – Pioneira Farm, in Querência, Mato Grosso
February 7 – Parnaíba Farm, in Tasso Fragoso, Maranhão
February 13 – Pamplona Farm, in Cristalina, Goiás
March 10 – Panorama Farm, in Correntina, Bahia.
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