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Innovation Day reinforces advances in the Innovation area
For the third consecutive year, Horizonte SLC, SLC Agrícola’s innovation arm, held Innovation Day, an event that aims to highlight and reinforce the company’s innovative initiatives and projects in the last period.
We are among the 10 Best Companies to Work in RS.
SLC Agrícola is, once again, in the ranking of the ten Best Companies to Work for in Rio Grande do Sul, according to Great Place To Work (GPTW). We secured 9th place in the ranking of Large Companies in Rio Grande do Sul, moving up one position. The announcement took place in a ceremony on November 13, in Porto Alegre (RS).
Pamplona Farm (GO) sets new record for cotton lint yield in the 23/24 crop year
In the 2023/24 harvest, the Pamplona farm, in Goiás (GO), reached a historic milestone, with yield of 2,460 kg of cotton lint per hectare, the highest recorded to date
We won the Top Ser Humano Award!
We won the 2024 Top Ser Humano Award, given by the Brazilian Human Resources Association, Rio Grande do Sul section (ABRH-RS)
SLC Agrícola receives Anefac Transparency Trophy 2024
At a ceremony held on October 24 in São Paulo, we received the Anefac Transparency Trophy 2024 awarded by the Brazilian Association of Finance, Management and Accounting Executives.
We joined the Circular Connection Movement!
SLC Agrícola reinforces its commitment to global sustainability by joining the Circular Connection and Net Zero Ambition Movements.