2021 Highlights

reduction in GHG emissions from agricultural activities


farms with crops connected to the internet


hours of training, in average, per collaborator

BRL 2.2

million in donations for educational projects and campaign to combat hunger

BRL 1.1

billion in net profit, an historical record in the company

Algodão BRL 780

million raised in operations with sustainability criteria (2020 and 2021)

Our strategy

In 2021, we approved our Zero Deforestation Policy, which formalizes SLC Agrícola’s commitment not to convert areas with native vegetation for agricultural use, even those eligible in the respective environmental licensing processes. The document establishes rules for the rational use of soil, aiming to maintain the integrity of natural systems.

This strategic definition marks an important moment in our trajectory. The positioning shows the maturity of our business and the expansion of the use of technology to ensure more productivity in our farms. It is also fully aligned with the ESG leadership driver of Phase 3 of our corporate strategy and contributes to the generation of value to our shareholders in the short, medium and long term. All these factors combined ensure that SLC Agrícola is distanced from the market average, setting our company apart by the quality of management and the delivery of superior results.

Innovation and quality

Precision farming is a central pillar of our strategy to increase productivity and efficiency in our crops. With the use of digital technologies and the connectivity of crops, we have advanced in the monitoring of different types of indicators and in the identification of opportunities to be more efficient, with the reduction of natural resources and inputs consumption.

515 thousand hectares of crops covered with a 4G internet signal
218.6 thousand hectares worked with productivity maps
92.0 thousand hectares with application of products with a variable rate

Our innovation strategy was recognized in 2021, with the entry in the “100 Open Startups” ranking, which selects the leading companies in open innovation with startups. Innovation management takes place in an integrated manner, connecting different initiatives to the common objective of increasing the productivity and efficiency of our activities.

Our Integrated Management System (IMS) is certified according to ISO 14001 (environmental management), ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety) and NBR 16001 (social responsibility), already applicable in 11 units – the Headquarters and ten farms.

We also have certifications for our products. In 2021, we celebrated ten years of the RTRS (Round Table on Responsible Soy) certification for responsible and sustainable soy production. In cotton, the ABR (Responsible Brazilian Cotton) and BCI (Better Cotton Initiative) certifications are worth mentioning.



of social capital in free float

1 year

of activities of the ESG Committee (advisory of the Board of Directors)


of the Policy on Preventing and Combating Corruption


to the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption



market recognitions in people management/organizational climate


in the frequency rate of lost time accidents (best historical level)

BRL 2.2

million in social investments

BRL 2.4

billion paid to suppliers



tCO2e/ton of product was our intensity rate (the target is to achieve 0.22 by 2030)

118 thd

hectares in our farms consist of preserved areas


reduction in the volume of water abstracted


of the total waste was destined for recycling

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